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WCAG 2.0 達成方法集

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SL26: Using LabeledBy to Associate Labels and Targets in Silverlight


この達成方法 (参考) の使用法と、この達成方法が WCAG 2.0 達成基準 (規定) とどのように関係するのかに関する重要な情報については、WCAG 達成基準の達成方法を理解するを参照のこと。適用 (対象) のセクションは、その達成方法の範囲について説明しており、特定の技術に関する達成方法の存在は、その技術があらゆる状況で WCAG 2.0 を満たすコンテンツを作成するために使用できることを意味するものではない。

適用 (対象)

訳注: Silverlight は、2021 年 11 月にサポートを終了する計画が Microsoft 社より公表されている (Microsoft サポート - Silverlight のライフサイクルポリシー)。

WAIC では、Silverlight に関する達成方法の翻訳を行っていないが、将来もその予定がないことに留意されたい。



SL26 に関するユーザエージェントサポートノートを参照のこと。Silverlight Technology Notesも参照。


The objective of this technique is to use the AutomationProperties.LabeledBy property to associate a non-interactive text label with an interactive field such as a Silverlight TextBox or RichTextBox. By using this technique, application authors can use the label text as the default source for AutomationProperties.Name on the target, and do not need to specify an explicit AutomationProperties.Name.

This technique relies on several Silverlight features: the Name property for identifying specific UI elements, the AutomationProperties API, and the ElementName variation of Silverlight data binding. AutomationProperties.Name can be set on and can target any Silverlight UIElement. The two most common uses of this labeling technique are for labeling a form field, and for associating an image caption with an image.


事例 1: Two TextBox form fields, each with a LabeledBy reference to a text label

The following is XAML for the UI (and can be inserted into a UserControl XAML root or elsewhere). No code-behind is necessary for this example; the element relationships are established by the {Binding} values in the XAML and interpreted appropriately by the Silverlight run time.

   <StackPanel x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
       <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
           <TextBlock Name="lbl_FirstName">First name</TextBlock>
           <TextBox AutomationProperties.LabeledBy="{Binding ElementName=lbl_FirstName}" Name="tbFirstName" Width="100"/>
       <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
           <TextBlock Name="lbl_LastName">Last name</TextBlock>
           <TextBox AutomationProperties.LabeledBy="{Binding ElementName=lbl_LastName}" Name="tbLastName" Width="100"/>

This example is shown in operation in the working example of Labels.

事例 2: Labeling / captioning an image

       <Image HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="480" Name="img_MyPix"
                AutomationProperties.LabeledBy="{Binding ElementName=caption_MyPix}"/>
       <TextBlock Name="caption_MyPix">Mount Snoqualmie North Bowl Skiing</TextBlock>

注記: If the caption is not a usable text alternative, use the technique SL5: Defining a Focusable Image Class for Silverlight, or change the caption text.





  1. Using a browser that supports Silverlight, open an HTML page that references a Silverlight application through an object tag. To see UI Automation, use Microsoft Windows as platform.

  2. Use a verification tool that is capable of showing the full automation tree. (For example, use UIAVerify or Silverlight Spy; see Resources links.)

  3. Verify that any element that has a LabeledBy value has an associated visible label.

  4. Verify that any element that has a LabeledBy value uses the Name value from that label.


#3 and #4 are true.
